Performing as Expected: When and Why to Implement Performance Testing
1:55 - 2:55 Senate Chamber
While functional QA is often a given when developing and integrating software, non-functional testing tends to take a back seat or be ignored completely. In this session I will explain why performance testing is worth considering, when it should be implemented and the value it provides. We will explore this topic across the six primary types of performance testing and even discuss how this can apply to system which now rely on AI integrations.
Bret Gregersen
I am the Test Practice Lead and Test Architect at I have worked in the test engineering arena from the beginning of my career 16 years ago. With experience working in Windows at Microsoft, Youtube at Google, and both restaurant and digital teams at Wendy's I have been fortunate enough to experience a diverse set of challenges. I believe that software testing is a passion as much as it is a career choice. It didn't take long for me to realize I enjoy all aspects of testing, from the functional to performance, accessibility, internationalization and more. Beyond my work day I am a husband and father who enjoys hiking our country's national parks. I love board games and cards games and I even act as game master for several tabletop roleplaying games.