Optimizing Performance Testing: Unveiling the Performance Testing Pyramid
3:05 - 4:05 West Ballroom
In the quest for improved testing strategies, the concept of the test automation pyramid has long been a guiding light. But what about its applicability to performance testing? In this talk, Federico Toledo will introduce the "Performance Testing Pyramid," a novel adaptation inspired by the Cohn pyramid for automated functional tests, a model that he and Leandro Melendez elaborated based on their experiences in different projects. This model redefines the strategy for performance testing in both Agile and waterfall methodologies. Discover how prioritizing unit-level automation, integrating service tests, and minimizing end-to-end automation can lead to more efficient and effective performance testing strategies. Understand the structure of the pyramid and explore the advantages and disadvantages of each layer. Furthermore, delve into the importance of client-side performance and the possibility of hybrid tests. Join us to uncover a revolutionary approach to performance testing, offering valuable insights for all testing professionals. Takeaways: - Gain insights into the "Performance Testing Pyramid" model and its direct application to optimize performance testing strategies. - Understand the advantages and disadvantages of prioritizing unit-level automation, integrating service tests, and minimizing end-to-end automation for performance testing. - Learn about the importance of client-side performance and the potential benefits of hybrid testing approaches. - Understand the optimal frequency of test executions and the impact of test automation on modern Agile projects. - Gain insights into running performance tests on different infrastructure environments and how it influences the reliability of results.
Federico Toledo
Federico Toledo is Chief Quality Officer and Co-founder of software testing company, Abstracta, and an advisor to Apptim, a mobile performance testing startup. He holds a PhD in Computer Science from UCLM, Spain and has over 15 years of experience in testing and performance engineering, working hands-on with companies like The RealReal, Shutterfly and Broadcom to improve application performance. Dedicated to the community, he wrote one of the first Spanish books on testing and co-founded Abstracta Academy. He also participated as a founding co-organizer of TestingUY, Latin America’s largest testing conference. Today, he hosts the Quality Sense podcast where he interviews different thought leaders in testing from around the world.